The Many Good Uses Of T-Shirts

T-shirts are popular, for good reason. They can be made from thin and breathable material or thick and warm material. They can be designed in solid prints, multicolored prints, or with any type of graphics printed on them. They can have a pocket, they can have a V-neck, or they can have a low neckline or a high neckline. They can also be worn in many different ways. Here is more information to help you better understand all of the many great uses for short sleeve t-shirts and other advantages they offer:  [Read More]

New Additions For Your Business And Casual Wardrobe

A pencil skirt is attire that is suitable for a business or a casual setting. If you tend to wear a lot of slacks and avoid short skirts or shorts, which would be deemed as inappropriate at your place of work, browse through some denim skirts that are listed online and order a few that will enhance your wardrobe.  The Pencil Skirt Provides Coverage Do you have knobby knees or is your slim figure something that discourages you, due to your demure size and difficulty with gaining weight? [Read More]

3 Ways To Wear Leggings This Fall

If you are new to the leggings trend but you want to give it a try, then make this fall the year that you dive into things. You may be wondering how you can wear leggings without feeling like you're bearing too much. Depending on where you are going and the dress code that's required, some of these options may work better than others. Ready to learn more about how you can wear your leggings? [Read More]

Tips For Distressing A New Pair Of Jeans

If you've just bought a pair of boot-cut jeans at a cowboy-inspired retailer but want to alter this garment so that it looks like you just left your job at the ranch, there are plenty of things that you can do. Distressing a new pair of jeans requires a little skill so that the distress marks look natural rather than created by the manufacturer. You may also want to get in the habit of wearing the jeans when you're working outdoors. [Read More]